
Breathtaking 360 deg views

17 May 2016 07.13AM

Riding the awesomely exciting single monkey #13 chair lift  to the top of Mt Madarao is exciting enough, but on a clear affords the most amazing views all the way down to Joetsu City on the coast, and across the valleys to the ski resorts of Myoko Kogan, Nozawa Onsen and Shiga Kogan to name but a few. We enjoyed day trips with our groups to all of these resorts not forgetting the must do trip to the Snow Monkeys and a very memorable visit  to our friend Tanaka san’s Mizuo Sake factory & tasting in Iiyama, which is self-serve and is Amazing!!!  After another two weeks of amazing clinics, it was sad to leave this wonderful resort and our good friends Toru, Hitoshi & Aki who run the resort. They really like what we do and have requested us to return next season and have offered us really good deals with accommodation for our clients. By the way, this is one the best kid safe resorts for family ski holidays. Check it out on our resorts page

On a clear day from the highest lifted point, thia vista is being snapped up by every camera

On a clear day from the highest lifted point, thia vista is being snapped up by every camera

Click the link below for Tanaka-sans Sake Factory

Video Sake Factory


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